
Posts Tagged ‘peace’

The Call

The universe is expanding
conscious, breath-taking, infinite
It’s heartbeat
resonating and rumbling in my chest

My soul accepts the invitation
and expands
with exhilaration, anticipation and love

I am scared
and in awe

I am a reflection of the infinite
an echo of spirit

I am a pebble thrown in the pond
creating ripples of reflection
remembering the sparkle and wonder of the stars
sharing, teaching, revealing
glimpses of eternity, purpose and love

I am a call to follow your heart
remember your destiny
to revel in-spirit, love and happiness
to help create a more loving, peaceful and connected planet.

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Spring Fog

It was a bright spring morning, so it was a surprise when an unseasonable marine fog breeched the bluff and slowly morphed into a giant roll of cotton batting that tumbled its way down the hill,  thickly shrouding our neighborhood and bringing a welcome quiet, before continuing through town, and drifting insubstantially through the fields beyond, periodically revealing ghostly farm workers toiling in the fields.

I was on the most prosaic of trips, to drop off documents at our accountant’s in preparation for the impending tax deadline, but it is amazing how a little vignette of a transient fog, drifting, shimmering and rising off the fields as the bright sunlight slowly burns it away can serve to highlight your connection to the universe.  Somehow that little dance of nature, which would have occurred witnessed or not, engendered the most profound sense of peace and connection I have felt for some time.  It served to remind me of the vastness and permanence of the universe and my own insubstantial and transient  role in it.  Taxes, errands, responsibilities, should, musts and have to’s are all insubstantial and transient illusions in contrast to the reality of  universal energy.

And as I sit here in reflection, I realize that I saw God today.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

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